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[fbl_login_button redirect="" hide_if_logged="" size="large" type="continue_with" show_face="true"]The eastern square (Plaza de Oriente) in the center of Madrid got its name due to its location. It is located between the buildings of the Royal Theater and the Royal Palace, east of the latter. The construction of the square began in the 18th century. by order of the King of Spain Joseph Bonaparte (aka Joseph I Napoleon), however, work was not completed under him, and they continued already under Isabella II. The idea of an architectural ensemble was developed by the master of his craft, Juan Bautista Saketti, who was famous in those years. He found the square too small and insisted on demolishing the surrounding houses and expanding the space. As a result, not only apartment buildings were demolished, but the Los Canyos de Peral Theater was also demolished, as well as leveled land.nnIn 1844, it was decided to supplement the strict composition with apple trees. Initially, they wanted to plant 6 apple trees around the perimeter, but in the end they limited themselves to two: to the left and to the right of the theater building. And only after that the territories around the square began to be re-built with residential buildings.
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