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Absurd the reasons may not be allowed to Board the plane!


Many people used to travel in airplanes and behave with the restraint and respect, and therefore can not understand why seemingly normal passengers may not be allowed on the plane, and to travelers themselves not to be in such a situation, it is important to remember what not to do.

The list of prohibited actions is not so large and intricate, but follow it will have all passengers.

On Board the aircraft may not be allowed due to:

1. The transfer of food from business class to economy.

This situation does not seem dangerous or immoral, however, to do so is prohibited, and if a passenger violates this rule, it can be planted during the transplant or not to make a black list of airlines. Such a situation is possible when a unified group of people traveling in different classes and the person just wants to share.

2. Stretching his legs in the aisle.

When the body is falling asleep, the person is trying to relax in any way possible, including pulling my legs into the aisle, but it can easily be removed from the flight. The reason is that it interferes with how the rest of the passengers and employees of aircraft, respectively, a passenger on the ban must be notified in advance.

3. Incorrect/inappropriate behavior.

To inappropriate behavior as bringing inconvenience to other passengers, strange conversations and hallucinations, screaming and profanity. Because of all this, the passenger can only disembark at the time of the transplant, but even to make an emergency landing, moreover the perpetrator is imposed a rather large fine, and proceedings may reach even to the judiciary. In some companies, the staff of the plane are allowed to use light weapons or physical force to subdue violent passengers.

4. The wrong clothing.

Wrong is overly revealing clothes, as well as one that has offensive words or prints. As it is not recommended to refuse from wearing linen, even if the cut and fabric of the clothes to hide all the physical data. If a person is inappropriately dressed, then with high probability it will not be allowed even on the plane, but the likelihood of removal from the flight is quite small.

5. Smoking is both simple and electronic cigarettes.

In addition, the smoke can cause inconvenience to other passengers, it may trigger the fire alarm, and the pilot in turn or have to drop altitude or even land the plane. In some countries it threatens the black list of carriers, and some additionally impose a big fine.

6. If a passenger is allergic to animals.

Some companies don’t warn you in advance that the plane can be animals, respectively, if a person has allergies, then with high probability it will not be allowed, as the company does not want problems that might arise during the flight.
This is not the only rules, which the person may not be allowed to Board or disembark, because the flight they need to learn independently and to meet.

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