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Cheap tours – what’s the catch and how to distinguish the fake from the real tours

In Ukraine scammers under the guise of travel agencies offer to unsuspecting clients “extremely profitable” on a trip abroad.

Messages deluded countrymen can be found in social networks. UBR.ua appealed to market participants to clarify how to distinguish “fake” from these tours and what are the parameters to choose a vacation abroad.

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How to choose a travel agent

Told us market experts, often cheaters aktiviziruyutsya precisely in times of crisis, when people have little money and desire to save money often overshadows common sense.

“When people have less capacity to pay, always aktiviziruyutsya scammers always want to buy a “penny” something good”, – said in comments to UBR.ua the expert of the tourist market Tatyana Kutsenko.

According to her, currently the “go to market tourism” is not difficult, it’s not necessary to have “business acumen”. “Plenty of information in the Internet, 15 minutes in Google and you give the impression of a specialist, and people fall for that”, she said.

Fake tours it is possible almost every day to meet you in Facebook, Instagram or other social networks and messengers sauce “why travel agencies to pay more” or “why work with tour operators who tear up three skins.”

“Speculators in the market is not just a lot, but more than many, different degrees of “Evernote” – stated Tatyana Kutsenko.

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She stressed that “now a travel agent works as a doctor.” That is better to the customer when the agent with whom he worked for many years, who knows the needs, client capabilities, and can even guess what even the customer, “not voiced”. According to her, the travel agent in some way becomes the “psychologist to the client”, it needs to be “time tested and pandemic”.

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“If you are led to promises of “cheap, almost free and no worse than what you have” – well, “without the sucker life is bad”. This proverb is always and at all times”, – stated the expert of the tourist market.

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Another way not to get trapped in buying a round – the possibility to check the ticket number on the website. Not only the agent but also the tour operator, said Tatyana Kutsenko.

She stressed that when forming the cost of the tour is of decisive importance – the price of the ticket. For example, if Egypt – that is $300 per person if the Turkey is $100 (the standard week duration of the trip – ed.). If someone offers tour cheaper ticket, it’s a reason to at least be wary.

The market is now “more than modest”, but even in the current conditions you can fly in and out of regions of Ukraine, and not only from Kiev, in a number of countries on holiday. For example, Ukrainians are interested in Egypt, UAE, Mexico, Zanzibar, Maldives. If someone prefers winter holidays, then Palandoken (Turkey) and Montenegro. Popular and Istanbul if the client is interested in excursion tours.

Experts note a positive trend, manifested in 2020 – the number of turoperatorov on the market have not decreased, no one went bankrupt. Some have expanded the list of areas. For example, if someone had worked only with Greece, but now has increased the number of countries.

Especially foreign tourist trips to the pandemic

When planning an overseas holiday you need to keep track of where and how to hand over PCR tests if it is necessary to pass.

Some countries require before departure, the other arrival. The situation is constantly changing, you need to be careful. For example, before departure to the Emirates have to take a test, but also required a second procedure.

If the travel agent does not offer insurance from COVID-19 and does not insist on this, it is also alarming bell.

“It costs a penny, but (they are – ed.) to minimize risk, minimize financial losses. This is something that must be”, – said Tatyana Kutsenko.

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Director of the network of travel agencies “Come with us,” Oleg Kulik in conversation with UBR.ua noted that travel vouchers are a rather expensive services. Paying round $500, $1000 or more, you need to verify the existence of specific agencies.

For example, it is at such an address, operates in the market for some time, we can trust him, he’s got a contract with tour operators, there are real people who have used his services and left reviews online.

“Buy a tourism product is needed in those agencies that you trust,” called it is the main way to protect yourself from buying a fake tour. One of the most trusted options for you or friends and acquaintances had used the services of a particular company and is satisfied. Or you can refer to the known market operators, a dozen of them all over the country, said the Director of the network of travel agencies.

According to him, all the agencies are working with the same tour operators. If in one place the tour costs $1000 and the other $500-600, it is clear that the second option is 90% fraud. Even if the price differs by 10-20%, it already looks suspicious, noted Oleg Kulik.

When choosing insurance need to pay attention to additional options. There is a standard, where included in the tour price and the client doesn’t even know its cost within a few dollars per person. If the tourist during their stay will become infected with coronavirus and get to the hospital, such insurance will cover the costs.

But, said Oleg Kulik, if the client will have to remain in isolation, then the insurance should include the hotel accommodation, and return tickets – which have to move based on the period of isolation.

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