Do you need additional medical insurance in Turkey?
Once you have decided to save money on your vacation and travel to Turkey, you should understand that you need to protect yourself and your family from all sides. One form of such protection when traveling to Turkey – medical insurance, or medical insurance for traveling abroad.
Remember, the most common insurance claims among Russians living in Turkey, are as follows:
1. Injuries sustained in an accident (transportation, rent, traveling in the tour bus);
2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (poisoning unusual food);
3. Catarrhal diseases (hypothermia, acclimatization);
4. Exacerbation of cardiovascular diseases (uncontrolled exposure to the sun, extreme entertainment, alcohol);
5. Injuries received in an accident (all of the above reasons).
It is time to think about the possible outcome of reckless behavior on vacation! The main thing that the road to Turkey was not the last in your life.
Respectable behavior, unfortunately, will not protect you from an accident, but it will help you purchase the correct health insurance in Turkey.
What should be the tourist health insurance, dreaming, for example, about Antalya?
Mandatory insurance for tourists (cost – about 5 dollars.) includes all necessary medical risks:
1. Doctor’s advice;
2. Emergency medical care;
3. Transportation to a medical facility;
4. Hospital care;
5. Communication with loved ones;
6. Transportation of the patient home;
7. Repatriation of the body;
8. Legal advice.
But the insurance amount (the amount that you will be treated) small: 20-30 thousand dollars. You say that this amount is very large? I assure you, so I think only Russian people, because they are accustomed to free health services. Medical treatment in foreign countries only paid, and the fee is high.
Buy additional insurance policy of voluntary medical insurance traveling abroad, thus increasing the insured amount to 50-70 thousand dollars. You will have to pay a little (3-7 dollars). Agree, $ 10 is no big fee for life and health.
Coming to the insurance company, take your time, ask the specialist about the conditions of insurance – additional medical insurance before travelling to Turkey. Check what additional risks it is desirable to insure and how can this best be done.
Remember! It depends only on you whether your vacation in Turkey insured or not.
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