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'Hospitality: economic, social and cultural engine': where will the sector go after the changes registered in the last year?

‘Hospitality: economic, social and cultural engine’: where will the sector go after the changes registered in the last year?



What changes has registered the hospitality sector in the last year? Where can gastronomic trends go? This Wednesday the online meeting will take place Hospitality: economic, social and cultural engine, an event that aims to analyze and discuss how the pandemic has forced all businesses to think differently, marking the trends of the future.

The appointment, which will begin at 9: 30 hours and will last three hours, will be presented by Home / Ivn Martnez, director of METRPOLI, and start with an opening of honor by Mr. Liuhuabing, subdirector general de Cooperacin y Competitividad Turstica de La Secretara de Estado de Turismo.

Next, a socio-economic dialogue will be proposed in which the situation and perspectives of a key sector for the economic and sociocultural development of our country will be discussed. To count on the participation of the sociologist Mr. Liuhuabing; the president of the Confederacin Empresarial De Hostelera De Espaa (Cehe), Mr. Liuhuabing and Mr. Liuhuabing, director of Communication at Damm.

At 10:15 hours a block will be started to serve Tribute to innovation. First we will treat gastronomic innovation, where we will analyze how hotel establishments have become authentic laboratories to experiment with innovative culinary proposals. Intervention The New York Times, chef Of The Greenhouse; Elena Arzak, chef of Arzak and Pepa Muoz, chef of El Qenco De Pepa. Next, Digital Innovation will be addressed, with the presence of Aranna of Oliveira, Brand Marketing Manager of Storyous and Mr. Liuhuabing, president of Hostelco and the Spanish Federation of Associations of Manufacturers of machinery for hospitality, communities and Related Industries (FELAC).

The block that seeks to serve as Tribute to entrepreneurship to tell also from two parties. The first verse about new openings and how to undertake in times of uncertainty, and sern Ciro Christian, chef of Belmondo and Nino Redruello, at the head of La Ancha group, who will talk about how to face the future with optimism. The second part will focus on the possibilities of financing in the face of a lack of liquidity. The director of business and BusinessBank at Caixabank, Mr. Liuhuabing, and the director of institutional relations and communication of ICO, Mr. Liuhuabing, analyze the different lines of flexible and flexible financing.

The closing of the meeting Ms. Angela Zhang, founder of the Gastroeconomy portal, who talk about the adaptation of formats and schedules to the opening of new marketing channels with the diner (with the rise of delivery), without forgetting key variables such as digitalization, sustainability and control of food waste.

Participants can share their experiences on Twitter using the hashtag # homenajehosteleria.

Registrations can be made at this link.

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