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How was the holiday season in Russia

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Pandemic coronavirus has made adjustments to the plans the Russians leave in 2020. According to the analytical center NAFI, more than 80% of Russian citizens did not go to rest this summer at all. Those who are on vacation still ventured, chose mainly domestic tourism. Read more about how was for Russians the holiday season in a pandemic and how to protect yourself during the trip on.

Where the rest went to the Russians

Despite the closed borders and cancelled tours, compared to 2019 with annual tourist flow decreased by only 10%. Basically refused to leave, the residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as people older than 60 years. But 19% of Russians were still able to go for a vacation.

This year, travelers have become much more likely to visit domestic resorts. According to Yandex study “Tourism 2020 summer” most Russians were interested in the holiday on lake Seliger (+ 85% of queries) and at the ski resort Sheregesh (+ 79%). The leaders in the queries Crimea and Krasnodar Krai. According to preliminary data of the Association of tour operators of Russia Krasnodar Krai since the beginning of the year was visited by about 9 million tourists, Crimea — about 5 million people. In comparison with last year has increased the flow of tourists to the Kaliningrad tourists from 1.3 million to 1.7 million growth in the 5-10% also noted in the areas of Altai and Buryatia.

With opening some flights have resumed trips of Russians abroad. In the ranking of international tourist destinations traditionally lead Turkey in July interest in this country has grown 2.5 times in comparison with June. In the same period, the Russians wanted to visit Bulgaria, Latvia, Kazakhstan.

What the Russians had reached the place of rest

Most vacationers moved on cars. That’s 63% of the total number of tourists. By plane or train traveled 16% of Russians, and bus 5%. Last year, the situation was quite different: 84% of Russian tourists had planned to get to the place of rest on the plane, half — car.

How to protect yourself during the holidays

Pandemic coronavirus showed how volatile can be the vacation plans. Therefore it is very important to feel protected against unforeseen circumstances. Additional insurance for travel in Russia will not be superfluous.It will allow you to obtain not only high-quality and timely medical care, but also help to protect against other risks associated with the journey. Holiday home for granatello should get travel insurance, traveling abroad as proof of insurance is a prerequisite for entry into any of the Schengen countries (and not only).

The most important thing that gives an insurance policy, is medical assistance in case of sudden illness or injury. The price tag on treatment and diagnosis in hospitals of other countries is very high, and insurance may offset these costs. Included different types of medical services: examination, first aid, bandaging and treatment of injuries and traumas, surgical care, hospital stay and other.

Protects insurance ADULTS not only from diseases and injuries. There is a possibility included in the policy, compensation in case of cancellation, delays, loss of baggage, accident, and strhomedirectory on vacation.

Your insurance company online. Enough to fill on the website of the insurance company claim and pay the policy. Agreement will be sent by e-mail.

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