Interesting facts about Morocco
Photo of the desert of Morocco
Morocco is an Arab state in North-West Africa. It is the whole Eastern world, surrounded on all sides by the majestic sand dunes of the Sahara. Here is revered the laws of Islam, go the mysterious veiled women and serves the most delicious meat. A day in Morocco is very hot, the sun literally scorches the heated earth. But by evening, life here boils. You should definitely visit the Moroccan market in Fes, which is rich in variety of fresh fruits, vegetables, spices, jewelry, scarves, sets and other things.
Moroccan market in Fes
The most popular tourist city in Morocco – Fes, Rabat, Marrakech.
Fes, Morocco
Rabat, Morocco
Marrakech, Morocco
Below are the amazing and interesting facts about this mysterious country – the homeland of the Arabian nights.
1. Morocco, although located in Africa, is not poor state. In this country, very good roads that are regularly repaired, and in General, all the cities look clean.
Road to Morocco
2. While in Morocco, you can not worry about its security. The people here strictly follow the laws and don’t want to have problems with the police. But still, at night it is better not to walk.
Form police in Morocco
3. The official currency in Morocco is the dirham.
Money Morocco
4. In Morocco all inhabitants follow the laws of Islam. This is important to remember. It is forbidden to publicly drink alcohol, otherwise descend on the local police and fined or worse, jailed. Girls should not wear too short shorts and skirts, not to attract too much attention from the Arabs.
5. Almost all the women in Morocco wear a headscarf, and some, and the veil that leaves open only the eyes.
Women in Morocco
6. In Morocco there are no vegetarians.
7. Arabs love to bargain, and it must be used while shopping at the market. There is an opportunity to bring down the price several times.
8. Moroccans love to drink mint tea, laced with several spoons of sugar or honey. This drink is very refreshing on a hot day.
Moroccan mint tea
9. All the houses in Morocco are painted in red and beige.
At home in Morocco
10. In Morocco, many mosques, and the best of them is the Hassan II mosque, located in Casablanca.
The Hassan II mosque, Casablanca
11. In the winter, in the mountains, in Morocco you can see the snow.
Snowy mountains in Morocco
12. In Morocco, polygamy is allowed, but the majority of Arabs only get married once, so as to have a few women quite expensive.
13. The mourning color of the Arabs is not black and white.
14. Once in Morocco, you need to try at a local café dishes such as couscous, tagine and shakshouka. Tastes better than here, these dishes are not cooked anywhere in the world.
Morocco – Sunny and rather picturesque state with its well-established ancient times laws. Lovers of the East, beautiful mosques and endless Sands should visit this country once in your life.
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