Olympic stadium in Sochi
Every year huge number of not only Russian tourists, but foreigners go on vacation to Sochi. Here they prefer to heal, with pleasure to observe the aesthetic beauty of the magnificent mountains. That only is the sea the fresh air of the Black sea! Attracts the attention of tourists and well-equipped beaches which perfectly contrast with the snow-capped mountains. Admire the enchanting caves. Get peace of mind from the splendor and beauty of the Alpine meadows.
In Sochi, the rest is not only physical, but emotional. A positive charge for the whole year is guaranteed!
Attracts the attention of tourists the size of the Olympic Park, which is the attraction of this welcoming city.
Here were held the winter Olympics 2014, subsequently which about Sochi became known around the world!
The 2014 Olympics in Sochi
As for the Park – it is located on the shore of the Black sea. Administratively belongs to the Adler district.
Start the journey in the Park at the railway station, which is a kind of station.
Very popular in the Park is the Olympic stadium called “fischt”, which has the ability to collect about 50 thousand inhabitants.
The Stadium Fischt
Famous for its history of Concert and Sports complex, popularly known as the Great Palace of Ice. Can accommodate this huge structure of about 12 thousand spectators.
The great Palace of Ice
Do not leave without attention and Ice cube — where you can have a good time.
Ice cube
A lot of centres for training remained in the memory from the Olympics for figure skating, and hockey.
And you can also visit and super upgraded main media center.
The main media center
Arrived correspondents you can sit comfortably and have a great time at the hotel for journalists.
The hotel for journalists
For children there are also interesting places to the Olympic Park. For younger visitors created a lot of fun. An example of this: the equivalent of Disneyland called “Sochi Park”.
Sochi Park
Sure to attract the attention of a huge hotel “Bogatyr”, a medieval building style.
Hotel Bogatyr
Everyone knows that Russia honors the memory of not only heroes, but Champions. In this regard, in the Olympic Park, some time later, established the monument, there are signs gold, silver and bronze. They recorded the names of the winners of the Olympics and Paralympics.
The wall of Champions
The Olympic Park is only one side of this multifaceted and beautiful city. Hurry, tours to Sochi – a city of sun and fun waiting for you!
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