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Rest for the brave: why extreme tourism is gaining popularity?

Отдых для отважных: почему экстремальный туризм набирает популярность? Rest for the brave: why extreme tourism is gaining popularity?

Extreme and adventure tourism each year is increasingly in demand around the world. Standard vacation with a beach holiday and visit the local attractions even more travelers. Responding to the needs of the audience, travel company develop their product, offering new, unique and exciting activities in the framework of a tourist package.

Why do people feel the need to emotionally rich leisure while on vacation and what are the prospects of development of extreme tourism, the wording of TURPROM said Andrey Panfilov, founder of the Freedom Roads – the company organizing exclusive tours in the United States.

Where did the need for extreme rest?

For a start it is worth noting that the word “extreme” was used relatively recently, 30-40 years ago. But the mass interest in dangerous forms of entertainment originated much earlier, when the concept of “extreme tourism” didn’t even exist. Why are we so drawn to climb to a height to submerge or to accelerate to a huge speed for bright emotions?

The fact is that for thousands of years mankind had to survive in extreme conditions, running away from wild animals and battling the natural elements. Globalization and digitalization have contributed to the fact that the need to fight for survival disappeared. Life literally became too comfortable and boring. People had to invent classes to obtain a thrilling and chilling experiences, because the need for adrenaline surges inherent in us at the genetic level. The emergence of extreme sports and adventure tourism associated with the development of the worldwide progress.

Today such sports activities as skydiving, rafting, surfing, diving, mountain climbing and other activity, involving overcoming their own fears, have fans all over the world and is available to almost everyone.

Many adventure tours designed for families with children, and extreme trails sometimes are even a vital part.

The emergence of unique programs: where to find them and who will fit

The demand for more travel is growing every year. And yet, despite the trend, the big players of the tourism industry offering mostly classic product with a mediocre routes in a typical, well-known places. The development of extreme tourism takes place in mainly due to players small and medium enterprises, which are carefully and in detail work for my tours. Because the routing – the process is not easy, and travel with extreme elements, often demanding many questions.

The organizers active, adventure tours are necessary to calculate everything from the availability of transportation and find the most scenic points to the complete safety of travellers. Some representatives of authors ‘ tours, prefer to explore the trails in search of the rarest and most unusual of geolocation, including threat, entertainment – everything that can make the stay truly unique and memorable. Extreme sports fans are willing to acquire such tours, despite the fact that their cost is significantly higher than standard programs.

Pandemic as the impetus for the development of adventure tourism

Pandemic coronavirus and closures not only plunged the world tourism during the crisis, but also led to the changing trends of the market. The world’s major festivals, national landmark events, concerts by popular artists, usually gathers crowds of tourists today do not fit into vacation plans. Tour operators have to find new levers of influence on the audience, to offer customers a new, more original formats and entertainment.

Extreme tourism is especially significant in the current situation. Travel of this type meet several urgent needs of the people. First, active rest involves being in the fresh air where it is easier to keep a social distance. This is ideal for such tourist attractions as Hiking (Hiking in a mountainous area), camping (accommodation in tents) or rafting (rafting on mountain rivers).

Secondly, on the background of the long forced isolation of the population increased demand for bright impressions. The thrill provide climbing, ropejumping, paragliding, parachuting, jeeping, racing buggies across the sand dunes and other extreme sports.

People are tired of the monotony of package tours. Even those who annually chose the same resort, after the pandemic, think about the more rich formats rest. All this creates fertile ground for the development of more active types of tourism, including extreme.

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