Rules of behavior for tourists in Japan
For European Japan is something completely new and amazing. That is why many tourists buy tours to Japan, and go there for new experiences. However, in order not to lose face in the Country of the rising sun, is to learn about the local rules and etiquette.
Bow is one of the most important things in Japan.
Greeting the Japanese
This way they can greet each other, thank or apologize, and also to Express their respect. The depth of the bow depends on the respect that the Japanese felt for his companion. The bow may be from 15 to 45 degrees. However, it is likely that when dealing with a foreigner uses Japanese source familiar with the handshake.
Another important point in Japan’s shoes.
Upon entering the home, office, hotel, toilet, bath, and many other public places, you must change into other shoes (sometimes in the homes can not offer shoes for the shift, then you need to stay in the socks). If the room includes tatami, shoes should be removed and move around the Mat in socks.
Tatami mats in Japan shrouded the floors of the houses.
Of course, because of this, tourists in Japan will have to pay special attention to the appearance and cleanliness of their socks.
Being in public places (for example, in transport or on the street) it is impossible:
– to talk loudly, scream;
– blow your nose;
– is on the move;
– talking on a mobile phone;
– pushing in response to another push;
– fight with people;
– to take places for disabled or older people;
– to attract the attention of whatever it is.
During a meal in Japan sitting at a low table on the Mat, cross-legged and keeping your back straight.
The meal in Japan
There are special rules for the use of chopsticks. They can not stick to the food (it is a symbol used at funerals), they cannot be used to draw or point at anything. To drink alcohol here taken only after the spoken toast. When the meal is over, you must thank the owners of the house or chef and then get up from the table.
To tip in any Japanese institutions (be it restaurant or hotel) is not accepted, it is regarded as bad manners.
The Japanese are pretty helpful people. They are happy to help a lost tourist find the way or need a house, putting a referral or even after. If you find a contact with passers-by on the street does not work, you can always contact one of the police boxes, which are usually near the metro entrances.
When you visit the foreigner will need to purchase a gift for the owners of the house, as to come without even the most humble gift – a sign of bad manners in Japan. Gifts awarded for the holidays and other important events. The gift must always beautifully packaged, to give and receive should be both hands. Also a gift, do not immediately unpack, as it indicates the greed of man. If the gift came in the mail, you should reply to his letter of thanks.
Japanese etiquette is complicated, but if a foreign tourist will learn the basics, you can make a positive impression on the inhabitants of the land of the rising sun.
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