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Safest Countries in the World – Ranking 2021

Hand Magnifying EarthWe are all travelers, each in our own way: some are looking for adrenaline, others for art, but have you ever wondered, before organizing a trip, if that country of your choice is really safe?

Have you ever wondered which are the safest countries in the world to live or travel in?
We premise that, with due precautions and paying attention to the rules, every country is safe, but today we will help you to understand which are the quietest areas in the world.

There are portals in which the “crime index” is reported, that is the average estimate of the crimes that occurred in each town or city. obviously it is not easy to have reliable data, as they are based solely and exclusively on reports from the inhabitants, so in some cities they may be more frequent than others.
In countries with a lack of an internet line, for example, there will be fewer reports than in a more technologically civilized city and therefore the data could be misleading.

Classification criteria

Making a realistic ranking is quite impossible for several reasons: some countries do not record data, in others they are manipulated by governments and in others they are not really present.
We can only rely on what is reported by the citizens and institutions of a number of countries and create a list of what is reported.
On this data, we have drawn up a ranking as reliable as possible to help you understand where to go in total serenity on your future travels.
Note that the data will be in descending order: the higher the safety index, the safer the country.

Top 20 safest countries in the world

Nation Safety Index
Qatar 88.14
Taiwan 84.35
United Arab Emirates 84.30
Georgia 79.79
Japan 79.34
Hong Kong 79.30
Oman 79.21
Slovenia 78.93
Armenia 78.40
Switzerland 78.40
Estonia 76.86
Finland 76.68
Iceland 76.64
Austria 76.27
Croatia 75.29
Belarus 75.01
Denmark 74.90
Czech Republic 74.48
Saudi Arabia 73.82
Cuba 72.55

Top 10 safest countries in Europe

Nation Safety Index
Slovenia 78.93
Switzerland 78.40
Estonia 76.86
Finland 76.68
Iceland 76.64
Austria 76.27
Croatia 75.29
Belarus 75.01
Denmark 74.90
Czech Republic 74.48

Top 10 safest countries in Africa

Nation Safety Index
Tunisia 58.12
Egypt 53.08
Mauritius 52.67
Morocco 51.31
Ghana 51.03
Ethiopia 50.79
Algeria 50.19
Botswana 46.51
Zimbabwe 42.53
Somalia 41.50

Top 10 safest countries in America

Nation Safety Index
Cuba 72.55
Canada 60.33
Nicaragua 55.56
Chile 54.77
Panama 52.81
United States 52.80
Paraguay 50.40
Ecuador 49.10
Bolivia 47.07
Uruguay 46.19

Top 10 safest countries in Asia

Nation Safety Index
Qatar 88.14
Taiwan 84.35
United Arab Emirates 84.30
Georgia 79.79
Japan 79.34
Hong Kong 79.30
Oman 79.21
Armenia 78.40
Saudi Arabia 73.82
Brunei 72.32
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