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The Huesca zip line that aspires to be the fastest in the world :" the person who will beat the record will go down without any brake"

The Huesca zip line that aspires to be the fastest in the world :” the person who will beat the record will go down without any brake”



Two kilometers in length make the new zip line at the gates of the Ordesa and Monte Perdido National Park one of the longest in Europe, but it is its fearful unevenness that will leave those who approach this corner of the aragons Pyrenees speechless. A new outdoor experience with the ambition of showing off a Guinness rcord. They’ll try this summer.

A brave man stands horizontally to jump down the zip line.

A brave man stands horizontally to jump down the zip line.

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Since childhood, Jorge Rabal was always looking for “the quick way to go down to the Valley”. He grew up in Buesa, the little town of Huesca with thirty-few neighbors next to Broto, in the region of Sobrarbewhere he still has his house. Six weeks ago, the businessman fulfilled his childhood dream by inaugurating the Ordesa Pirineo zip line.

It took eleven years after that until the project finally came together. “The initial idea was for it to be the longest zip line in Europe,” Rabal says, although over time others moved ahead. So he had to find another rcord to beat… and he believes that he has succeeded: “we are possibly facing the fastest in the world“. About 2,000 people have already been able to try it.

The key is not in its 2,036 meters in length, which is no small thing, but in that the zip line saves a slope of 400 meters. “It’s like putting the Eiffel Tower and the Torre del Pilar in Zaragoza on top of each other. And we’ll never be above it,” Rabal explains graphically on the other side of the phone. That unevenness and the state-of-the-art braking system it allows to reach high speeds safely. “It will always depend on the weight of the person and the speed and direction of the wind, but under normal circumstances, it is reached between 130 and 160 kilometers per hour“.

The arrival in 4x4 to the launch pad.The arrival in 4×4 to the launch pad.

You’ll soon be able to check. Rabal would like the Guinness rcords people to come and check it out. In June, the French company responsible for the installation will come to measure it. The enemy to be beaten is a zip line in Rocca Massima, southeast of Rome, which today holds the world rcord with 172 kilometers per hour. “But it has less slope, so we understand that ours can be faster,” says Rabal.

However, all users who fly on the Sobrarbe zip line carry on their backs a triangular sail to stop in a controlled way. Another story is that of the Brave who tries to beat the rcord in June. “The specialist who’s going to beat the rcord down without any kind of brake.” That’s right. with a ” parachute so you can tackle the braking safely.”

The two km of zip line wait in front of the user.The two km of zip line wait in front of the user.

There is another reason why the oscense zip line can achieve that rcord and is that the cable has no roughness so the trip is faster. And, as a consequence, also much quieter. “It is designed to enjoy. You can open your arms, close them, look to the right, to the left… In Spain there is nothing similar“.

Located in Tax, this attraction on the Pyrenean mountains is equidistant from the entrance to the P. N. of Ordesa by Torla, at Ansa and Jaca. At the reception, the visitor is equipped with arns, glasses and helmet. But the strong experience begins already with the ascent to the zip line through the forest. Those two kilometers are taken care of by a 4×4 you must advance along a forest track where the ramps reach a 38 percent slope.

In the air with open arms.In the air with open arms.

“The views are spectacular. It is gaining levels with respect to Ro Ara, The Last Virgin of the Pyrenees, whose free low flow marks the meanders as the avenues come”. And once on top, when there’s that ok, to be launched in horizontal to 160 kilometres per hour, take air-watching spots such as the crests of Ordesa from Mondarruego to Monte Perdido, the area of Bujaruelo and peoples as Sarvis, Torla, Buesa or Jnovas.

/ Zip Line Ordesa Pyrenees. Price: from 35 euros. Website: www.tirolinapirineos.com

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