The most interesting and visited places of Finland
If the traveler wants to enjoy beautiful nature, plenty of rivers, lakes and other various bodies of water, and enjoy clean air, it should go to Finland. Beautiful country, famous for its long and interesting history.
The climate in this country is quite mild, but it is best to visit in the winter, especially if you want to feast on all the delights of ski tourism. Being in Finland, is to try their colorful national kitchen, visit ancient medieval castles and enjoy the wonders of the natural landscape.
1. Fortress Olafsborg
First need to visit the ancient monument of architecture of the late XV century. It received its name in honor of the king, whose name was Olaf. The fortress rises majestically on the rocky shore of lake Saimaa. The spectacle is really impressive, and most importantly, it is a real time machine that allows you to go to the Medieval world, and for a moment forget about the real world.
2. Turku Castle
An even earlier building which deserves the attention of every tourist, is the castle of Turku. It was built in late XIII century. The castle is now a Museum devoted to its rich and entertaining history. Sometimes there are even wedding ceremony.
3. The Residence Of Santa Claus.
It is impossible to be in Finland and not visit the birthplace of Santa Claus – Lapland. It will be fun not only for kids but also for adult. Here you can feel like the hero of this tale, where magic lives, and miracles happen. On the territory of the village there are mail Santa, and his office, and a farm bred deer, as well as a restaurant and a Park where you can ride on the roller coaster and enjoy the sculptures made of ice.
4. Porvoo
Picturesque town, preserves its medieval identity. It was founded in 1346. Here you can enjoy the narrow streets, which absorbed the spirit of the early middle Ages. Also here there is a Lutheran Cathedral, construction of which refers to the XV century. It was here that Alexander I, Russian Tsar, declared Finland an Autonomous state. This city is worth a visit all the sweet tooth, because here is the famous chocolate factory Brunberg, famous for its art of making the most delicious chocolate.
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