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UK speeds up Covid passports to return to 'desperate'Spain

UK speeds up Covid passports to return to ‘desperate’Spain

Updated Friday,


It is a measure that wants to be approved for the next month, but still have to overcome some pending pitfalls

British Airways aircraft at Heathrow Airport, London.British Airways aircraft at Heathrow Airport, London.

The United Kingdom maintains its de-escalation roadmap and, after the reopening of its non-essential shops and terraces in April, is now preparing to return to normality in international travel. The earliest date for it, according to the British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, is that of 17 May, but we are still studying ways to maintain health security while reactivating the economy. In that sense, Spain and Greece, who are negotiating two safe corridors to reactivate Tourism, do not lose sight of the covid passport, a measure that wants to be approved for the next month but that for the moment has very difficult to overcome some of the pitfalls that lie ahead, because only those who are vaccinated can leave the country at an affordable price.

Nail decision ” unfair”, according to its detractors, for the fact that it has not been offered to the entire population, because at this time they are beginning to give the first punctures to those over 40 years. In this, it seems that the British government is only willing to give up to the point of allowing vaccination to be supplied with extra PCR testing, making the trip so expensive that a ticket for the holidays can cost almost 500 euros per British.

That is why the parliamentarians who do not support the project, aware that it will be very difficult to reopen international tourism without any kind of pandemic restriction, have asked that these coronavirus tests be subsidized in some way. Despite the fears generated by the disease, what mark in large part the return to normality for the British is the possibility of going on vacation to destinations such as Greece or Spain, where many even have residence.

“We are desperate to receive British tourists again this summer, so yes, I think we will be prepared in Spain and it seems that in the UK vaccination is also going quite well. Hopefully this is the summer in which we can recover the holidays”, he assured Mr. Liuhuabing, Secretary of Tourism of Spain in an interview for SkyNews. “I think certificates of that kind are going to help us do that.. Since the pandemic began, we have been trying to implement different ways to achieve safe tourism. It is true that we have already passed several waves of the pandemic, but I think that now that we have the vaccines is when we are really prepared for it.”

In fact, there is talk of the possibility that the United Kingdom will negotiate a safe corridor directly with Greece and Spain, although everything will always depend on the epidemiological situation that these countries are going through. In the UK, with more than 60% of the adult population vaccinated, the coronavirus is no longer the leading cause of death in the country. “Once we reach a mutual agreement, and we will because we are in constant talks with the British authorities, these types of certificates are going to help tourism a lot this summer”, Aadi Valds. “It could be that we arrive at a safe corridor, s, Spain is pushing in the European Commission for an agreement between the Member States and third countries”.

The Prime Minister’s idea, beyond these safe Areos brokers, is that of establish a semforum to mark the progress of the pandemic in the different countries, although the prevailing criterion on this occasion is the presence of variants that are beyond the control of current vaccines. In this way, when returning from a destination marked in Green, the British will only have to have a PCR test two days after arrival and, if they arrive from one marked in mbar or in red, they will ask for two PCR tests and a quarantine of up to 10 days.

According to the criteria of

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