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Unfaithful Cities: Here is the Top 10 in Europe

Zurich City C3 A0 Switzerland ArchitectureYou travel for work, you travel for pleasure, you travel for love … yes, but love for whom? And with whom? And … are we sure that it can really be called “love”? In short, in the Old Continent it seems that more betrayals are being consumed than one might think. In the face of romanticism and marital fidelity! And there is even one ranking with the most unfaithful cities in Europe, extrapolated from some statistics of the dating communities reviewed on the site maniachat.it, based on the number of registered users looking for … escapades! And how does Italy behave …? Take a look, it will be fun … or depressed!

10 location: Zurich, Switzerland

zurich unfaithful cityAnd away with the first surprise! It will also be that the Swiss are the symbol of efficiency and punctuality, but evidently not even they resist the pleasures of the flesh …! At least now we are sure that they are not cyborgs …

9 location: Amesterdam, Netherlands

amsterdam unfaithful cityHere the surprise is the location … because we expected to find it a little further up the capital of the transgression! But perhaps this is precisely the reason: to betray, you must first commit yourself, and if you think about it … with all that goodness, who thinks about getting married!


8 location: Bordeaux, France

Bordeaux unfaithful cityCould wine play tricks on the inhabitants of this delightful French village? Maybe so they have at least an excuse. But … if the saying “in vino veritas” were valid, then the true soul of the inhabitants of Bordeaux would be rather unfaithful …!

7 location: London, UK

London unfaithful cityOne of the largest and most multi-ethnic European capitals, London, needless to say, knows about transgression.


Of course, not very regal as an attitude, but so be it, Londoners also indulge in the pleasures of life! God Save the Queen!

6 location: Marseille, France

Marseille unfaithful cityWell, maybe France should start asking a few questions … already two representatives are in the top 10! The city of French Provence is a particularly romantic destination … obviously also ideal for fast conquests and without too many sentimental aftermath!

5 location: Rome, Italy

rome unfaithful cityHere’s peep the Beautiful country also in this ranking! But you know, Italy always wants to excel, and even here … the first city represented is the capital, the Eternal City! The city will be eternal, but love, obviously …

4 location: Brussels, Belgium

brussels city unfaithfulEh … the political disputes in the Belgian capital bring a certain appetite … No, not the kind of appetite that is satisfied at the restaurant, but that other …!


Among other things, those who work in politics have no hours, so even the oldest and most inflated apology could be credible: “honey, sorry, but I’m late for work”!

3 location: Barcelona, ​​Spain

barcelona unfaithful cityThat it was known for its eventfulness nightlife, you knew. It is clear that between one entertainment and another, between one museum and another, between a paella and tapas … the people of Barcelona also find space for a fleeting encounter with the lover!


2 location: Milan, Italy

milan unfaithful cityFor a hair! One step away from the finish line, Italy with the Lombard metropolis touched the top step of the podium! Who were these fundamentalists followers of fidelity who made us lose the primacy? Seriously, Milan is a heavily industrialized city, but it is also there fashion capital… in short, do you want particular “impure thoughts” to occur between a business trip and another, do you want to lose your head between models and fashion shows … the result is that Italy places 2 cities in the top 5!

1 location: Paris, France

paris most unfaithful city in europeVive la France, the cheating men from all over the world will scream! A real paradox for the French capital: al second place among the most romantic cities in the world, and al first among those infidels!


But in short, then these romantic trips, who are they with?

Statistics on Betrayals between men and women in Italy

Other than saints and navigators … Italy of saints perhaps venerates many, but has few! In fact, it seems that in the world, before us there are only Denmark and Thailand! Well yes, Italy is the third most faithless country in the world. We are talking about 45% of confessed offenders, tied with Germany, and with the city of Rome leading the way.
The relationship between men and women is almost equal: among the traitors of Italy, 56% are men, 46% are women.

  • Men: The average cheater is in their 40s, of good culture (with a degree or at least a high school diploma), and they are looking for a woman aged between 25 and 45, naturally uninhibited and … blonde!
  • Women: the average traitor is around 38, also generally graduates or high school graduates (87%), with an average salary and employed in the marketing, sales or banking sectors.
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