Why do people travel?
Perhaps the urge to travel is inherent in us genetically. After all, perhaps the very origin of man is connected with travelling. Let no one today suggests that man evolved from apes, but that they had a common ancestor – almost surely. But why, under the influence of something one branch began to develop in the same way and gave rise to mankind, and the development of the second branch gave rise to monkeys? For a long time said that the work made from the APE man. But modern monkeys and now sometimes take a stick to get a high hanging banana.
So maybe the “engine”, the impetus for the development was generated by curiosity and a desire to travel?
People with inherited, for some unknown reason, the gene responsible for the curiosity and thirst for knowledge, wanted this curiosity to satisfy. It drove him further, to new places where suddenly discovered a new, more delicious fruits, more clean water. The thirst for curiosity, for knowledge, has allowed to accumulate new knowledge, which then helped disparate tribes to survive. Then on the way of one tribe met another, who had some other baggage of skills and abilities.
And today people have not lost the urge to travel. Millions of people each year by air, land or by sea travel to other countries. The French are going in the United States. The Italians went to Cuba. Portuguese to Greece. Why? That the house there is no sea where you can swim, dive? Worse beaches? Entertainment less interesting? No, even if clean beaches and ski resorts, there are houses, people still go somewhere, driven by the same curiosity, the same thirst for knowledge: what is it? What kind of people live? What to eat? What do you wear? How do you relax, what songs they sing? What is the difference between animals? What flowers bloom? And, of course, stronger attracted to countries where such differences more. We say “exotic”, although for the inhabitant of the same Thailand or Chile “exotic” will be the beer festival in Munich, taiga or flooded rinks in the winter is in many European cities, just as exotic for us are groves of banana trees, running around the streets of the monkey and elephant trekking.
Someone, sigh, and say: but for travel, not all have the money! Let’s be clear: travel where? Yes, the trip, for example, in Chile or Brazil costs a lot, especially with the flight. Holiday in Thailand will cost much cheaper. But you can go on a trip and the home country. “What’s there to see?” – ask someone. – “Because there is certainly no exotics: everything is exactly the same as at home.” Agree: a beautiful and amazing can be found everywhere, you only need to suppress that craving to see and learn something new, which makes a person human. Have a good trip!
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