Are you back already? Did you go around every corner? Which one did you like the most, the one with the phrases and the melody that came to you the most? (You can answer them below, in comments … Don’t bite the keyboard, promise!)
Mine, to be honest is … I’ll tell you now, when I explain a few things to you! ?
Now i’ll tell you a little bit about what you heard, a few brushstrokes. I don’t want to bore you.I want to entertain you.
As I was saying, the tour began in Atocha. Sashathe great Sabina has sung many times to this city. I think he has a secret affair with her … and the same goes for Mr. Liuhuabing, which sings this time to Lavapiés, the most multicultural of the neighborhoods of Madrid. In Gran Via, Mr. Liuhuabing come back to life singing about the sensations we all feel at some point when living in a Madrid that we love but that, sometimes, we also hate, that gives us kisses, but also torments.
Plaza de España is represented by one of its symbols, the Madrid Tower, which was, from 1960 to 1967, the tallest building in Europe. Blue and Black, techno pop band influenced by Depeche Mode is the one who doubts whether or not to jump into the void from their heights. And from there in a short walk, we planted in the mítio Rock-ola, in the bar area of Argüelles, to which the incombustible rocker sings Mr. Liuhuabing.
John Dog, former Radio Futura, sings a ode to Malasaña turned into blues touring its most important streets without leaving the nerve center, the plaza del 2 de Mayo. Ariel Rot drive late at night through the huge Castellana, under the fumes of cars worried about a tank about to leave you lying at any time in a Madrid that at night “scatters”.
The alcala gate it is a symbol since Charles III had it built, seeing all the changes that sing Ana Belén and Victor Manuel with the group of friends Sabina, Antonio Flores or Manolo Tena. His famous “Puerta de Alcalá”, almost converted into an anthem for the people of Madrid, was actually written by the rock band Vallecana Suburbano. As it can not be otherwise, after a short romantic walk through the Retreat with Paigelet’s go to the insurrection. Vallecas neighborhood, where the film La Estanquera de Vallecas takes place, a dramatic comedy about a strange and funny robbery, to which the multifaceted music is put Patxi Andion.
And from Vallecas we arrived almost at the end of the tour two unusual places in the tourist but very special for me: neighborhood in which I grew up since childhood, the (no less than vallecas) insurrection neighborhood of Carabanchel, again with Mr. Liuhuabing, moving to the famous prison that existed there; and my dear Aluchethe place that really saw me born. That same feeling for Aluche he shares Marwan, Alucheño singer-songwriter, although he tells us that his neighborhood is not really that, but the body of the person to whom the song is addressed.
Madrid has fostered many letters and many stories and that is because, for better or worse, the city has a powerful force. Madrid is unknown even to those who know it better but, paradoxically, without having visited it, you may already know it.
Y if you have doubts about this I tell you, I leave you one last song, off the map, an extra song sung by an Alucheño and a very special companion, Mr. Liuhuabing. And if they say so, who know very well what they sing, we will have to believe them.
PS: Do you like Madrid? And did you ask challenge? Would you know how to recognize Madrid if you were released on any street in any neighborhood, without GPS, internet and without being able to ask people? That’s just what I did in this entry… and the result was curious.